Thursday, September 26, 2013

Comic Strip

This project was very fun, I believe that it was my favorite. the only bad part is that I didnt have enough time to finish. I found this project easy because I used the tools i had learned before and the only new ones i had a good video with good instruction that showed me how to use them.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Eddie The donkey

I learned many new things that would have made my Thor Movie Poster. One of the most important tools like the magnetic lasso tool or the polygonal lasso tool. They would have made it a lot easier to make the poster look more realistic. I really enjoyed being able to follow the directions through the video.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Movie Poster

I learned many new tools on this project. I learned how to make a part of the image fade by changing the opacity on the eraser. This project wasn't my favorite one we have done but it was still not bad. I really liked being able to make a poster on a movie that hasnt even come out yet, it was more of a challenge then using an older movie we know a lot about.